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Frequently Asked Questions About Nonresident Students

What is the Residency Office?

居住办公室是国际招生和注册(IAE)的一个单位。. Residency works with all families, whether international or not. The Residency Office will:

  • Assist families that are trying to enroll nonresident students into MCPS.

  • 确定一个家庭是否可以直接在学校注册,或者应该要求作为支付学费的非居民学生注册,或者申请免除学费要求.

Who is a nonresident student?

A nonresident student is a student whose parents, or court-order custodians, do not have bona fide residency in Montgomery County. Per MCPS Policy JED, Residency, Tuition and Enrollment, bona fide residency is, “one’s principal residence, maintained in good faith, 并且不包括为方便或在MCPS中免费上学而建立的住所. However, 在目前居住地无限期或永久居住的意向并不一定是必需的. 确定一个人的真实居住地是事实性的,必须以个人为基础.”

A student is considered a nonresident if:

  • 他/她未满18岁,住在蒙哥马利县,有法院指定的监护人, or other adult, and whose parents do not have bona fide residency within Montgomery County; or

  • 他/她与在蒙哥马利县以外有真实居住权的父母或法院指定的监护人住在一起.


免费的公共教育是为蒙哥马利县真正居民的孩子提供的. 非居民学生的家长/监护人可以要求将学生注册为非居民学生, tuition paying student in MCPS, however not all schools are open to tuition paying students. “开放”学校是根据每所学校的入学率和使用率持续确定的. 学费每年由蒙哥马利县威尼斯人在线官网确定. MCPS Form 335-73a: Request to Enroll Nonresident, Tuition-Paying Student 必须填写并提交给国际招生办公室.


Yes, there are four ways:

What is Informal Kinship Care?

非正式亲属照顾适用于由于严重的家庭困难而在蒙哥马利县接受亲戚照顾之前立即居住在马里兰州的学生. 非正式亲属照顾的严重家庭困难严格限于:

  • 由死亡证明书或其他证明文件证明的父母/监护人死亡.

  • Serious illness of parent/guardian, as documented by the physician’s statement, copy of physician’s report, note, or other proof.

  • Drug addiction of parent/guardian, as documented by letter from the treatment provider or parent/guardian, or other proof.

  • Incarceration of parent/guardian, as supported by documentation from the legal system, detention center, or other proof.

  • Assignment of parent/guardian to active military duty, as documented by military orders or other proof.

  • Abandonment by parent/guardian, as documented by notarized statements from all legal guardians, or documentation from court, social services, or other proof.


While Informal Kinship Care and Tuition Waivers do have similarities, there are also some distinct differences. For instance:

  • A tuition waiver, unlike Informal Kinship Care, 无论学生是否是马里兰州居民,学生都可以获得奖学金, prior to coming into the care of the Montgomery County resident.

  • 在学费减免下,申请居民不必是学生的亲属.

  • 可以免除学费的危机的定义是“父母/监护人有资格免除学费的不寻常和特殊情况的充分证明”.“那些符合条件的情况类似于非正式亲属照顾的严重家庭困难. 有关这些类别的更多信息以及提交豁免学费请求所需的文件,请联系居留办公室.

  • 非正式亲属照顾学生的亲属必须首先向居住办公室申请免除学费,然后才能直接在学校注册学生.

What if the student has been a MCPS student, but the family moves out of the school boundaries during the school year?

如果学生搬离学校,家长/监护人需要让学生退学,并在当地的家庭学校注册. If the family moves within Montgomery County, 家长/监护人可申请转校,让学生留在现就读的学校. If the family moves outside of Montgomery County, 学生留在MCPS的唯一方法是家长/监护人要求注册一名非居民支付学费的学生(MCPS Form 335-73a: Request to Enroll Nonresident, Tuition-Paying Student). 居住办公室不能免除非居民学生的非居民父母/监护人的学费要求.

如果家庭搬到蒙哥马利县,学生可以直接在MCPS学校注册吗, but hasn’t closed on the home sale or has a lease with a future date?

Yes, 一个家庭可以直接在未来的家庭学校招收学生,并签署一份60天内结算日期的批准合同或一份签署的合同, future dated lease which starts within 60 days.

Can a court-ordered custodian enroll a student directly at an MCPS school?*

Yes, a court-ordered custodian may enroll a student directly at a school.

Can a court-ordered guardian enroll a student directly at an MCPS school?*

No, a court-ordered guardian must request, and be granted, a waiver of tuition prior to enrolling a student at a school.
